What Happens To Your Digital Life When You Die [Video Infographic]

Here we are, shooting out our thoughts and experiences on the Internet like our lives depended on it. Some people just don’t care what they put out there, and they certainly don’t think about the consequences of their actions later down the road. Something that you should remember is that once something is on the Internet, it is very hard to delete it. Sure, you can go through a list of things that will take it out of the immediate view. However, there is always something left on the servers that could potentially be put out there once again some day. I wouldn’t worry too much though. Most of you, I am sure, are responsible people who think before you type and not the other way around.

What really happens with all that content once you are… well, dead? It’s a morbid thought, I know. Have you ever researched what will become of all those status updates and photos once you are not here to take care of your social networking services anymore? To put it into context for you, every minute at least 3 people die who have a Facebook account for example. When the passing is sudden, you have no way of preparing all that content to be either deleted or forwarded, and as a result, you’ve put it into the hands of the owners of Facebook (or any other social networking service) to do whatever they want with it.

Just have a look at this video infographic from Life Insurance Finder and marvel over all the things you didn’t know could happen once you have taken your very last breath. Maybe Steve Jobs knew a thing or two about this since he never indulged in any social media activity other than through his own company. So, take control over your content now while you are still able to. There will come a day when you can’t, and trusting that a relative or a next-of-kin will know what to do with it is, at best, just a slight chance. I guess we will have to be a little more careful from now on knowing we could end up in an ad once we are dead without having any say in it.


Via: [Daily Infographic]