Tag: chef

Creative Eggs and Toast – Breakfast Inspiration
We always hear about the importance of eating breakfast, yet it is still one of those meals that is just easier to skip. For me, a cup of coffee or h ...

Like To Eat Cat? – Chomp The Head Off Hello Kitty
Oh hell yes! I can't stand Hello Kitty. That over-marketed, pastel colored, freakishly bizarre looking cat/monster hybrid is the bain of my Twitter ...

Burgers Made With Killer Snakes – Nom Nom!
Here in the States, we've all seen the horrible pictures showing how some places prepare chicken wings, right? It's shocking and disgusting; yet we e ...

The World’s Most Expensive Sushi
I can't relate to this at all, but imagine if you were a very wealthy person with lots of money to blow. What would be something you might drop a cou ...
Can You Make A Rocket From Bacon? – Find Out Here
I know it sounds like a cliché, but I love bacon. I could eat bacon at every meal. I like my bacon crispy, even burnt. My son likes his bacon squis ...

Charming Illustrated Recipes – The New Cooking Trend!
I love to cook, and I have a ton of cookbooks. I tend to use my own cookbook the most because it has all my favorite recipes in it, but I pick up new ...