Taco Bell Back In 1982 [10 Pics]

Taco Bell Back In 1982 [10 Pics]

When was the last time you went to Taco Hell... err... I mean Taco Bell? To me, Taco Bell is college food, kinda like Ramen noodles. If you've got 5 b ...
A Brilliantly Creative Dry Erase Board Design

A Brilliantly Creative Dry Erase Board Design

This is such a great design, and it totally goes in the category of "Why didn't I think of that?" Imagine what it's like to run your hands across fau ...
Burgers Made With Killer Snakes – Nom Nom!

Burgers Made With Killer Snakes – Nom Nom!

Here in the States, we've all seen the horrible pictures showing how some places prepare chicken wings, right? It's shocking and disgusting; yet we e ...
Dog Torture Chamber or Innovative Invention? You Decide

Dog Torture Chamber or Innovative Invention? You Decide

If you are easily offended, you probably shouldn't read this because people all over the web are freaking out about this invention claiming it is crue ...
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