4 Attractive Benefits Of Cloud Web Hosting

Cloud hosting has become a bit of a trend over the last few years – but is it really all that it is cracked up to be? On the surface, it may not appear to be that different from conventional web hosting, aside from the fact that it operates across a network of servers as opposed to a single one.

That difference is a lot more critical than you might think, and the benefits of cloud hosting actually stem from it. In fact, there are four benefits in particular that you should know about, and could very well sway you to migrate your website to the cloud.

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Better Performance And Website Speeds

One of the main advantages of cloud web hosting is that it generally provides far better performance and website speeds than conventional web hosts. That is due to several reasons, not the least of which is the fact that the load can be balanced across multiple servers. The fact that the servers are located in different geographical regions can help to improve the website speed too.

It should be noted that faster website speeds are definitely a desirable benefit. It can affect your website in many ways, and for example, the page speed can affect SEO and help to reduce the bounce rate of your website. Suffice to say, if your website takes advantage of cloud hosting – you could end up with more visitors and retain more of them too.

Cost-Effective and Flexible Packages

Compared to the rigid packages that are offered by conventional web hosts, cloud hosting tends to offer cheap prices. Typically it is structured so that you only pay for the resources that you use in terms of storage, bandwidth, CPU, and RAM. The fact that its packages are flexible tends to make it cost-effective – even though it is technically most expensive than other types of web hosts.

The difference is that you won’t be paying for any resources that you do not need, and can focus on the resources that you do require instead. If you plan things in advance and carefully estimate the resources that you think you’ll require – you could end up saving quite a bit.

Easy To Scale

In addition to the fact that its packages are already flexible, cloud hosting is generally quite easy to scale. If and when you require additional resources, you can typically simply adjust your package and scale it up or down.

Most cloud hosting providers allow the server resources to be scaled up or down on the spot, without any need for approval. The effect is often immediate as well, which isn’t the case with conventional web hosts.

For both new and established websites, the scalability of cloud hosting is definitely essential. It will let you gradually scale up your web hosting as your site grows and attracts more traffic. On top of that, it will help you to handle any traffic spikes seamlessly and without having to worry about your website going down.

High Uptime And Less Vulnerable

Conventional web hosts are generally quite vulnerable, simply because there is a single point of failure. Because all your data is stored on a single server, if it is inaccessible or damaged, your website will go down, and in some cases, the data may be lost.

Cloud hosting does not suffer from that problem because your data will be spread across multiple servers. If one goes down for any reason, the rest can pick up the slack immediately, and your uptime won’t be affected.

The use of multiple servers can reduce the risk of data loss, too, seeing as if the data is lost on one server, it should still exist on the rest. That being said, you should always backup your website if you want to avoid any issues and be completely safe in the long run.

Final Words

Now that you know the benefits of cloud hosting, it should be clear why it is so appealing and has become a trend in recent years. The fact of the matter is that it will provide you with advantages in key areas that are critical to your website.

Although the benefits of cloud hosting are attractive, you should remember that it isn’t perfect. Just like any other type of web hosting, there are disadvantages too, and questions are often raised about its security as well as the overall cost, which can add up to be quite expensive if you aren’t careful.

All in all, you should weigh both the advantages and disadvantages of cloud hosting before you make any decisions. Think about not only its benefits but also how they will affect your website – and whether or not you think it is a good fit.

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