5 Tips For Selecting DJ Equipment

Shopping for DJ equipment can be a surprisingly harrowing experience.  Assuming this is your first time, even knowing where to start can be tricky. Making sense of the various endless DJ mixers, DJ lighting accessories and DJ finance options at your disposal is never easy, but can be particularly challenging for newcomers. Fortunately, this can be simplified with five essential tips from the pros.

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Tip 1 – Choose Your Medium Sensibly

Assuming you’re setting up as an ambitious amateur with limited cash resources to play with, it’s generally better to stick with digital media. Decks and controllers for CDs and vinyl are all well and good, but aren’t nearly as flexible or affordable as a digital setup.

These days, a high-quality controller combined with a reasonably decent laptop is really all you need to make and mix music of surprisingly high quality.  Therefore, it’s usually the best way to get started as a newcomer.

Tip 2 – Buy A Quality Controller

Cutting corners on quality when picking up a controller is seriously inadvisable. This will form the core of your setup and determine the extent to which you’re able to translate your talent and your ideas into tangible results.

If you can’t afford to wax £500 on a decent controller outright, consider DJ finance options to spread the costs. This is one piece of DJ kit you simply cannot afford to compromise on – not if you’re planning on taking your craft seriously.

Tip 3 – Don’t Overspend On Headphones

Overthinking things where headphones are concerned is entirely unnecessary. Unless you’ll be playing any packed out clubs or venues in the near future, you really don’t need a particularly mind-blowing pair of cans.

Instead, you need headphones that are comfortable, adjustable and perform adequately in terms of volume and sound quality. You can pick up fantastic DJ headphones from major brands like Pioneer these days for no more than around £70 – some of which are customisable for added appeal.

Tip 4 – Lighten Up

If you’re planning on putting on even the most modest of live shows anytime soon, don’t underestimate the power and appeal of a few basic visuals. For example, the effect created by combining an affordable fog machine with a few basic lasers can be quite spectacular. It’s really not necessary to spend a great deal of money – smoke machines, lasers, strobes and so on are all surprisingly cheap these days.

Tip 5 – Take Your PA System Seriously

Last but not least, most DJs getting into the trade for the first time use the PAs the venues they play provide for them. The reason being that if you’re planning on buying your own PA to take on the road, it needs to be of the highest quality you can afford.

If your PA system is garbage, the rest is inconsequential. It’s your PA and speakers that will deliver the sound everybody hears, making it an aspect of your rig you need to take extremely seriously. Again, be sure to consider DJ finance options carefully, if you cannot quite stretch to buying a quality PA system outright.

Author Bio: Craig Upton has a fantastic success rates helping Bristish companies increase sales growth by using various revenue streams online. Creating strategic partnerships in the UK and having keen focus to detail, Craig equips websites with the right tools to gain exposure and increase website traffic. Craig is the owner of iCONQUER.com, a UK based company and has been working in the digital marketing arena since 1999. A trusted entrepreneur, SEO consultant and SEO trainer, Craig Upton has worked with popular British brands and SMEs gain exposure online. Not shy to get his face out there, Craig is committed to creating new opportunities working with British companies.

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