7 Best Kitchen Gadgets For The Gadget-Obsessed & Tech-Loving Chef

Love cooking? Also, love gadgets? You’re not alone. A lot of tech-obsessed foodies and aspiring chefs stock their kitchens with all sorts of high-tech gadgets that make their kitchen lives just a little bit easier. We’ve rounded up a few of these time-saving, stress-reducing and food-enhancing gadgets below.

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A Digital Meat Thermometer

This is one of the basics – and one that should never be skipped when putting together your tech-savvy or gadget-based kitchen. A smart meat thermometer will help you monitor your food’s internal temperature, which is directly related to its doneness and safety, and let you know exactly when your food is ready to go from the heat to the plate (and then to your mouth!). There are many different models out there – some with a lot more features and stuff than others – but they also do the same thing. Check out some of the top ones on the market today here.

Hand Blender/Immersion Blender

We all love blending a nice shake (or virtually anything else), but sometimes…a whole full-sized blender is a little overkill. That’s where a handheld immersion blender comes in; just stick this in the glass or bowl and blend it all within seconds. Cleanup is straightforward, and you can get both cordless and corded models that are both very easy to use – but come with their own cool features and bonuses.

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3-In-1 Avocado Slicer

This one is a little bit less “high tech,” but it’s pretty dang cool nonetheless. Slicing avocados takes a little bit of skill, as well as a very sharp knife, but this 3-in-1 slicer will split it, remove the pit, and then slice that avocado up into perfect slices with a quick, simple movement. It’s pretty cool, and a worthy addition to anyone’s kitchen gadget arsenal.

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3-In-1 Breakfast Station

This one is a little bit less “high tech,” but it’s pretty dang cool nonetheless. Slicing avocados takes a little bit of skill, as well as a very sharp knife, but this 3-in-1 slicer will split it, remove the pit, and then slice that avocado up into perfect slices with a quick, simple movement. It’s pretty cool, and a worthy addition to anyone’s kitchen gadget arsenal.

That 3-in-1 slicer is pretty dang cool, but a 3-in-1 breakfast station? Now that’s ridiculous. This bad boy will brew a cup of delicious coffee, toast a delicious piece of bread, and provide mini griddle for making eggs. What could be better? (Probably nothing – except topping that breakfast with the sliced avocado from above).

 Smart Kettle

We all require boiling water – whether it’s for tea or anything else – and this high-tech electric kettle makes the process a breeze. It’s tied to your smartphone, just like all the good ‘smart devices’ out there now, and you can turn it on remotely from the app. You can also set it on a “pre-boil” mode that keeps the water hot and then cranks it up to boiling whenever you need it – shaving LOTS of time off the boiling water process.

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Vegetable Steamer

Save yourself a lot of work and skip the stove; just steam your veggies with a brilliant 3-tiered steamer. It takes all of 30 seconds to heat up and start steaming and can make quick work of everything from asparagus and broccoli to fish and even rice! WAY more comfortable than steaming on the stove.

A Soda/Sparkling Water Maker

We all love a good glass of refreshing soda or sparkling water (right?). Turns out, you can save yourself tons of money over the long run – as well as quite a bit of hassle and recycling those cans and bottles – just by investing in an at-home soda maker.

There’s a bunch of reliable options out there that will fit any budget, and all you must do is load the machine up with some CO2 and press a button…and BAM! You’ve got some delicious, bubbly soda or seltzer water, ready to enjoy.

If you are interested in even more technology-related articles and information from us here at Bit Rebels, then we have a lot to choose from.

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