I sometimes get really bummed out that the 8-bit era has ended, and the original artwork created in the ’80s is forever over. Sure, we can create pixalated art pieces today, but that doesn’t really make it the same, does it? No, it’s the memories connected to the artwork that make it retro and cool. No matter how much we want more of the pixelated graphics, there was only so much created in the era of the Nintendo NES. But the future has some pretty cool things in store for us, so we shouldn’t break down into tears just because we no longer have access to the retro factory from the ’80s.
There are two souls in the world who have dedicated quite some time into putting together an algorithm that will depixelize your 8-bit games into smooth looking updated game art. The two researchers, Johannes Kopf from Microsoft, and Dani Lischinski from The Hebrew University, decided that their high end HD TV was just too expensive to show them weak ass 8-bit pixelated art, so they got working. The futurfication of Super Mario Bros. was here!
The result is quite stunning, and even though it’s not completely there yet, you can really tell that this could mean a new wave of old games being released if they nail this algorithm down to perfection. What an odd feeling it would be to suddenly sit there and play the first incarnation of Super Mario Bros. completely pixel free. That’s just too much info for my head to process right now, so I will just wait and see what they can come up with. Exciting? I guess you could call it that, but I would still like to see more 8-bit games being released. PLEASE!