Advantages Of Selling In Marketplaces

Let’s see what are the main advantages of selling through a MarketPlace and why our sales will increase if we use a virtual store for our products. The results begin to be noticed after a year and a half, no matter how big your investment is because the number of clients that will visit you in SEO will be limited. This is the consequence that the techniques used are very effective but are slow.

The same happens in the offline world where we are used to work, because there are some brands that have their own physical stores with which you have to compete. So, something similar happens selling in fashion marketplaces such as Asos MarketPlace.

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The Costs

On the other hand, the reduction of costs is undeniable and this can be evidenced in some platforms such as Amazon, where the only thing that has to be put is the product and the other aspects, such as logistics, advertising,and SEO, is responsible for the MarketPlace.

The Image Of The Brand Is Maintained

To establish yourself as a seller on a platform, you do not have to give up your brand. When there is a professional seller, the client will have his logo and his own brand. Your customers can value you and locate your store on the site diverting your attention to your store instead of buying competitors from other products of a similar category.

Another advantage is that you can offer your customers products with their own brand through customer service and exposure of sales catalogs that are otherwise effective for the promotion and sale of a product.

Build Trust With Customers

The form of payment is one of the most outstanding and convincing aspects since trust is generated when making payments online. It’s all about time and having a little patience so that customers feel comfortable doing their shopping in this way.

Products Can Be Internationalized

By using this means of diffusion, products are internationalized much more easily than by traditional means, which, in addition to being slowed down, are much more expensive. With the traditional way of internationalizing a product, shipping costs can double the value of an item.

Selling In A MarketPlace – Disadvantages

The Ignorance Of Your Customers

One of the most important disadvantages is that you never get to have a personal relationship with your clients and this can be a disadvantage if we weigh the great benefit that a personal deal with the clients implies. You will never be able to export your database.

You Do Not Own The Store

With this MarketPlace system, you really do not own anything that is not your own product. As a merchant, you will always be anonymous. Sell more, it has its cost. Not because you have many sellers, your earnings will always be fair. The objective of MarketPlace is to attract more and more salespeople, so you will obtain a good customer base and through these, you will obtain valuable information in many sectors.

The Competition Is Present In A More Notorious Way

There are a lot of sellers who like you, also sell other products similar to yours and it’s not that the competition is unfair, but it will always weigh in the final result of your sales since they will do it from the same MarketPlace. It takes a great effort to compete on price and quality.

It Is Necessary To Demonstrate Greater Efficiency And Strategic Aggressiveness

The MarketPlace has its own brand image and you have to be careful to accept many sellers who fail to meet the delivery dates.

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