I don’t know where the fascination started or who actually had the idea of breaking apart every new cell phone to check what’s inside, but I am glad someone did. Of course, there is reverse engineering and all that, but these guys just do it for fun and to prove they can and also to show you what’s inside those small wondrous things. Even the new iPhone was taken apart just to see what Apple had put in it. There is literally nothing that people won’t take apart just to check what’s inside.
The weirdest thing I have ever seen was someone trying to make people believe that the digital converter TV boxes had a camera in them so that the government could, without the user knowing, spy on them during a show and see their reactions and whatever. Of course, this was all false and there is nothing to be worried about. However, I think the clip is still available on YouTube if you’re interested in checking it out.
Anyway, someone decided to take apart a Droid cell phone and boy does it look gorgeous. The whole disassemble is beautifully done and very futuristic. The fact that someone has taken the time to disassemble something so beautiful and then put it all together again is just too cool, and I give huge props to the people at TechRestore for this video. It should make pretty much anyone wanna buy the Droid phone. However, I can’t say that I am too thrilled about the shape of the phone. The design resembles something that Nokia could have done back in 2000. On that point I think the iPhone is way more stylish… but again that’s just my opinion.