So You Think Fax Is Dead? – Well, Think Again!

Some might think that the fax is obsolete and has no place in today’s business environment. You can forgive today’s generation for thinking that the fax machine is now a relic of the past that can only be found in museums. It would seem that using fax is counter-productive when you have internet-powered e-mail? However, this is far from true. Fax is still alive and is here to stay. The fax technology is not going away any time soon.

Weird as it sounds, the latest market research indicates that fax use is INCREASING instead of going down. A lot of organizations such as private businesses, government bodies, academic and non-profit organizations still make use of fax without publicizing it, of course.

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Still don’t believe us? Well then, let’s take a look at some very recent market research.

The International Data Group (IDC) conducted research on relatively large businesses that earn revenue ranging from $100 million to $I billion and then released a report titled: “Fax Market Pulse: Trend, Growth, and Opportunities.” These diverse organizations belonged to the government, manufacturing, finance, and healthcare. According to this report, 82% of the respondents stated that fax usage has increased since last year, whereas a mere 19% considered fax usage to have gone down. Overall, fax usage increased by an average of 9% but was greatest in the manufacturing sector which witnessed a 16% growth in fax usage.

Even more surprising were results presented by the Spiceworks website that has 500,000 IT professionals as members. According to their 2017 survey, the fax was used in one way or another by an astonishing 89% of small and medium-sized enterprises. An even more astonishing 62 percent of IT professionals approve of fax machine use.

So, don’t worry. You are not alone in using fax. In fact, you are in good company. You don’t have to suffer an inferiority complex by thinking that you still rely on seemingly ancient and outdated technology of yore.

Use of fax in companies has been increasing by a remarkably significant 27% compared to the previous year. These companies expect that over the next two years, the fax will grow at the rate of at least 25%. They said that the simplicity of fax is significantly important for increasing use. Those using it consider it safe. Many businesses use it because their suppliers and customers utilize this system.

The momentum behind fax usage is so great that it shows no signs of slowing down. This can be attributed to the innate human desire to continue using those facilities that continue to serve them well. There appears to be very little reason NOT to use fax. In today’s high-tech environment, fax adequately addresses the needs of businesses. This may seem surprising but it is absolutely true.

Here is the good news: you can modernize fax and actually make it up to date. Yes, you can actually do that and reap all the benefits of combining fax with cutting-edge technology using the fax burner software. Find it at

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