The rumors continue to swirl that Apple (and possibly other developers as well) is working on a smartwatch. On several occasions, we have visited this news thread and tried to make sense of it all, but it’s usually to no good. The fact that we all expect smartwatches to enter the consumer market soon should give developers incentive enough to speed up the development. What would the future interface of a smartwatch look like, and what features would it have?
There have been a few “smartwatches” on the market already, but they have all been bulky and quite honestly, they haven’t exactly impressed consumers. If the developers could get some good features and user friendly design into the future interface of a smartwatch, we might actually have something that could potentially go head to head with today’s smartphones. I think it all depends on the logic, user interface, execution and design of it. Without these four cornerstones, I think a smartwatch would be nothing more than a weak attempt to create a new device.
Brian Khouw, concept designer and future interface innovator, has made a valiant attempt at imagining his own user friendly future interface for a watch that he calls Echo. It’s a pretty genius little piece of innovation that actually uses the armband to transfer the touch gesture controls into the smartwatch itself. I don’t think I have seen this approach in any real or concept smartwatch designs, which makes me think there is still plenty of innovation to be done within this field of technology.
Designing a future interface for a smartwatch is anything but easy when you consider the fact that consumers are so picky about their design and features these days. I think it’s really anyone’s game right now, and the company that delivers the best and most stylish future interface for their smartwatch is going to end up on top. Who that will be is entirely up to the companies that are currently working on bringing us the smartwatch for real.
Brian Khouw’s Future Interface For Echo Smartwatch
Via: [Yanko Design]