The Future Of Television In Your Soon-To-Be Living Room [Infographic]

Both Steven Spielberg and George Lucas predict that the traditional movie theater experience is on the way out. People want their entertainment content on demand. That goes for television also. Just this year Nielsen reported that 30 million consumers are now watching TV on their mobile devices. But don’t count the TV in your living room out of the picture just yet. It seems the future of television involves a brand new mix of hardware and software.

Personally, I could live without a television altogether. However, if it was morphed into a complete digital and social media epicenter in our homes, I might be talked into giving it a shot again. According to this infographic called The TV of Tomorrow & the Living Room of the Future (by in collaboration with Beutler Ink and, the future of television is going to be much more modern and functional than it is today.

This future is not far away either. It’s very close to being now, and it’s quite an upgrade. Think about the difference between a cell phone and a smartphone. Now think about that same kind of impact on your television. Pretty exciting, right? The line between television content and online video content will become even more blurred as online video moves onto the television.

Add to all this a bigger and flatter screen and you get a television worth watching again. I was surprised to read that the average American still watches 34 hours of TV per week. According to the corresponding article on, this whole Smart TV concept and the future of television are driven by “the need to have content we want when we want it in the place that we want it – our living rooms.”

The Future Of Television & Your Enhanced Living Room

(Click Infographic To Enlarge)


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