Are you meticulously affected by the area around you while working like me? I sometimes move around the office just to get a little bit of inspiration. When designing and drawing up new ideas, it’s really important, at least for me, to feel like I am off to a fresh new start and not just feeling like a factory. This can be achieved by changing your work area to another spot if available.
However, it can be a difficult endeavor if you have a ton of different gadgets and stuff on your desk. Not to mention all the chairs, shelves, etc… that you probably need in order to off load your gear whenever you are not in need of it. Tim Vinke, from the Netherlands, has totally changed all that with his genius little idea of a portable office area.
Alright, maybe it’s not the most beautiful thing in the world, but it truly does what its purpose is. Maybe it looks a little more like a kindergarten work area than an actual office area, but who will blame you when you just pack up and move that office to another spot. Imagine the jealousy when you come hauling that workspace through the halls of your job only to get a bit of perspective for a new design. That’s what I call refreshing furniture.