For a long time, game controllers and joysticks were the only input devices we had to interact with our games. Then came the keyboard and mouse. Today it’s pretty much a mix of all of them, all bundled into one, if you know what I mean. If gaming is to evolve beyond its current scope, we need innovation and new devices that we can use to interact with our games in a new way. Many have tried to add something new, and so does the Stinky footboard gaming controller.
Yup, this new gaming device is actually called Stinky, and it is a product developed by Stinkyboard. Yet again we are treated to a bit of innovation that looks to base its success on the outcome of a Kickstarter campaign. The fact that more than 70% of the campaigns launched on Kickstarter successfully fund their startup campaign should be good news for the Stinkyboard guys and their Stinky footboard controller. So, let’s have a look at what this badboy has to offer.
What should be said is that the Stinky footboard is designed to work in conjunction with whatever handheld device you choose to play your games with. It is also mentioned that it is a great device to relieve function congestion on your keyboard or on your handheld. It makes it easier to switch weapons, throw a grenade or any other function you could want to optimize with a footboard.
The Stinky footboard is connected to your PC’s USB port, and through patented R2N technology, the footboard quickly detects precise and instant responses and doesn’t make your foot feel strained or exhausted. The project is about to get launched on Kickstarter, and you have a chance to get alerted when that happens. Could this controller become a gaming accessory worthy of the calibration and collaboration of handhelds and keyboards? I guess we will just have to wait to find out. It’s an interesting take on how to relieve function congestion, that’s for sure.
Stinkyboard’s Stinky Footboard Gaming Controller
Via: [psfk]