Flash Drive Inspired By The Legendary Yamaha NS-10 Speaker

There are a lot of very cool flash drive designs out there, and we’ve written about a lot of them, but some of them are just a cut above the rest. This flash drive inspired by the legendary Yamaha NS-10 speaker is one of them. It’s such a brilliant little design, and it brings back so many memories for me. I don’t know if these are still popular now, but back in the ’90s they sure were.

You could use this Yamaha NS-10 flash drive in the typical way they are normally used, or you could get creative and capture a label’s attention (or anyone else’s attention) by giving them one with your recording session on it. There are really unlimited uses, and even though I’m not in the music industry, I still think it would be fun to have one of these. The Yamaha NS-10 is definitely a speaker that most people will recognize, and having it in flash drive form is so creative.

If you have a friend in the music industry, or if you are just a music lover yourself, this could be the perfect flash drive to brighten your day. This is another one of those flash drives that you won’t toss in a drawer and forget about. You’ll treasure this one and keep it forever.

Most places that sell this flash drive are sold out of it right now, but I did find one place that has it. You can get it on Studio Scratches where this Toshiba 16B size with USB 2.0 support sells for $40. According to their website, it’s “based on the most fad near field studio monitors ever. This novelty USB drive captures the essence and detail of the legendary speakers that are part of audio engineering lore and debate.” What a great design!

The Yamaha NS-10 Inspired Flash Drive

(Click Images To Enlarge)




Via: [Jay Mug] Image Credits: [Studio Scratches] [Audio Affection]