Beagle Portrait Made By Using 221,184 Sprinkles

We have gone through the roof over here to find things that are just incredible when it comes to the way they are created. Nothing says dedication as much as something whose scale is bigger than our brains can comprehend. That’s when you know the artist has been pushing it through the blood, sweat and tears it takes in order to finish up his or her creation. To us, there are artists and then there are artists who change our perception of what art is really all about. The way that some painters put layer upon layer on a painting to create the perfect picture is good and all, but it is the painter who puts on the paint in so many layers that the picture actually becomes a 3D painting that we start noticing the intricate dedication it must have taken.

No one knows this more and better than Joel Brochu. He’s a student gone amok in a world of massive and overdriven scales of things. You might think that an artwork made of 100 post-it notes might be a feat, but Joel would probably take that number and multiply it by factors of a thousand over and over again until he would be satisfied with the work needed to finish up his masterpiece.

The fact is that Joel used 221,184 sprinkles (I take it that is something similar to candy beads, right?) to create a portrait of a beagle dog. In text, it doesn’t sound too impressive, right? WTF! Yes it does! It’s an insane amount. Taking it to the level where you place each and every sprinkle in a set pixelated scheme in order to manufacture the desired overall color necessary for each pixel is just amazing. I don’t need to put words to how awesomely intricate this picture is. There’s just no way I could do that I think. Instead, just have a look at it and let yourself be marveled!

Sprinkle Beagle Dog Portrait Artwork

Sprinkle Beagle Dog Portrait Artwork

Sprinkle Beagle Dog Portrait Artwork

Sprinkle Beagle Dog Portrait Artwork

Sprinkle Beagle Dog Portrait Artwork

Sprinkle Beagle Dog Portrait Artwork

Sprinkle Beagle Dog Portrait Artwork

Via: [Dude Craft]