French Ballpoint Pen Art – Simple and Stylish

More and more we are seeing the ballpoint pen being used as a medium for artists. It’s almost like that little pen is being reinvented, and it’s emerging with powers we didn’t know it had.

I can see the appeal for an artist. A ballpoint pen is cheap, it’s ultimately portable and it requires no preparation. Just take the top off and you are ready to create a masterpiece. Although black and blue are the most popular ballpoint pen colors, they also come in a variety of different colors, which make them even more versatile.

A few months ago, Rob wrote an article on Bit Rebels showcasing some fabulous ballpoint pen art. Today I want to share another ballpoint pen artist with you. I first saw Carine Brancowitz’s work on some t-shirts here in Atlanta. She is a French illustrator, living in Paris, who creates illustrations with lines as simple as her bic pen. Her composition is inviting and even looks French to me. There is so much style and grace in her work. I just love it!

[Image Sources: sprayblognet, vectroave]