A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away… Actually, ’twas the night before Christmas Eve and I was visiting with family while we put the finishing touches on the preparations for the next few days. A few gifts were opened by those who would not be with us Christmas Day and one caught my eye. Being the geek I am, the Star Wars Lightsaber Ice Pop Maker given to a relative by my sister-in-law had me wishing a set was wrapped somewhere with my name on it. Frankly, it also had me wondering how I could have possibly not known such an item existed.
A quick search on the net, and I found a set over at ThinkGeek. I immediately purchased a set for, um, my daughter. She and her friends would enjoy hours of fun with it. Well, that’s how I justified spending a few more dollars this holiday season anyway…
Each set comes with four hilts (lightsaber handles for the layperson) – two Luke Skywalker hilts and two Darth Vader hilts – and, of course, the tray and inserts for the frozen treats. The tray and inserts are dishwasher safe which makes clean up really easy. All you need to do is add your favorite liquid to the molds and pop them in the freezer. I don’t usually condone playing with food, but in a few hours, you’ll be ready… I mean, your kids will be ready to attach the hilts, turn them on (YES, they light up with LEDs), and commence an epic battle to save or control the galaxy.
I didn’t think you could make icy summertime treats more fun than they already are. The Star Wars Lightsaber Ice Pop Maker will do exactly that. Oh, and did I mention they light up? So cool. Can you visualize how much fun you and your friends could have with the Star Wars Lightsaber Ice Pop Maker?
Star Wars Lightsaber Ice Pop Maker
Image Credits: [ThinkGeek]