I’ve never seen or read Twilight. I know, I’m like the only person in the whole world who hasn’t, right? I also haven’t seen LOTR or Harry Potter. Hey, cut me some slack, I’m a busy blogger girl. Besides, I don’t even have to really see them since I read about them on the Internet constantly. It seems like there isn’t a day that goes by where I don’t read something about those three books/movies.
We’ve already touched on the fact that the trend these days is to have themed proposals, engagement photos and weddings. People just can’t seem to get enough of turning those events into cosplay fantasy experiences inspired by their favorite movies or books.
We’ve written about so many of them, and today it’s time to add another one to our ever-growing list. There have been tons of Harry Potter weddings and other fairytale-like storybook character weddings, but this is the first time I’ve seen a Twilight inspired engagement photo album. I was a little surprised to see this since in every picture I’ve ever looked at from Twilight, nobody is smiling. An engagement is supposed to be a happy event, so I didn’t think the two would mix, but apparently they do. Regardless of all that, these pictures are truly beautiful. They were taken by K&K Photography. These Archie inspired engagement photos are more my style, but then again, I’m a comic book girl. We wish this couple many years of happiness!
Via: [Geekologie]