Unusual Wedding Cakes – Have Your Cake and Eat It Too!

Aside from the bride’s gown, the cake is one element of a wedding that I believe takes a lot of time to ponder. It will be one of the highlights during the couple’s reception. I think it should be something that is reflective of the couple’s personality. I have helped plan quite a few weddings for friends of mine and believe me, I have seen tons and tons of wedding cakes. In the old days, the wedding cake was just your simple white cake that was adorned with edible sugar flowers and/or edible silver or gold trimming. Nowadays, however, the wedding cakes you see are very different and truly beautiful.

Couples choose their cake based on their taste and their traditions. I remember the last wedding I helped plan, the couple wanted something with five layers because of their family tradition. It was supposed to bring them good luck and prosperity as a wedded couple. If you were to ask me, I want my wedding to be simple, including the cake. When I was looking at some cake designs, I came across some really unusual ones that made me either laugh or just stare in amazement at the creativity. I have chosen to share them with our readers. Some are a bit bizarre, but of course, to each his own. My favorite here is the one from the couple from Wall Street Journal, I think its very romantic. What do you think?

Main Image Source

Image Sources – Cute Cows, Our Story, Lily Pad Frogs

Image Source – They Met While Writing in Wall st. Journal

Image Source – Red and Black Wedding Cake

Image Source – M&M Wedding Cake

Image Source – Guitar Wedding Cake

Image Source – Sushi Cake

Image Source – Happy Couple