12 Human Hand & Body Gestures Invented By Technology

If you are a regular reader of our articles here on Bit Rebels, you are probably a technology lover. We write about new technologies and futuristic gadgets all the time, but this article is about a different side to that. We all know that technology enhances our everyday lives on a daily basis, but do you ever stop to think about how it changes our behavior in the most bizarre ways? I’m referring to the hand and body gestures that didn’t exist more than five years ago.

There are many more than 12 hand and body gestures that have been “invented by technology,” but I’ve just chosen a specific 12 to share with you here. According to psfk, a recent research project called Curious Rituals revealed a whole new set of movements and postures that we didn’t have before we all became technology addicts.

Like I said, there are many more than 12 body gestures in this report, so if you’d like to read about them all, you can download the very interesting Curious Rituals PDF. I just took 12 screenshots to share with you.

The thing is, if you were playing charades, and if someone made any of these hand and body gestures, would you know what they were? Of course you would. Now think about how strange it would have been to see someone do these things in the ’90s. They simply didn’t exist back then, or at least they weren’t mainstream like they are now.

All this makes me wonder what kind of new body gestures we’ll develop in the future as technology continues to change, enhance and assist us in our own evolution. If you’d like to read another article that is related to this topic, check out Internet Psychology: 5 Emotions Invented By The Internet. That’s another one that will twist your brain into a pretzel. Who’s running this show anyway, the technology or us? Stuff like this makes me wonder.

12 Human Hand & Body Gestures Invented By Technology

(Download The Full Report Here In PDF)














Via: [psfk] Header Image Credit: [Swipe Gestures]