It might be that soon touchscreen solutions will be a technology of the past. We want more and more touch enabled surfaces, and the glass oriented touchscreen solution just doesn’t allow for a scalable upgrade it seems. We want our stuff plastered everywhere, and we want to be able to control it through touch and gesture technology. It seems touch surfaces projected by lasers are how we are going to navigate and display our content in the near future.
The principle behind the technology has been around for a while, but not through the advanced solution that a new concept developed by Light Blue Optics called HLP (Holographic Laser Projection) which handles images. Through simultaneous processing of several different layers, an image is quickly optimized to be displayed entirely by lasers. The process is apparently too intensive if it processes the entire image as a whole. Instead, it processes the displayed content “layer” by “layer” and then combines the layers to make up the entire image. This allows for a very clear image, no matter how far or close to the projector the image is projected. The image is always in focus, which makes for an optimal solution for several venues.
This projector enables any surface to become a touch surface. Sure, this is nothing new, but the touch surfaces that this HLP projector enables are far more precise than what other projectors are able to project. Touch surfaces are only going to become more and more popular, both in public places and in our homes, and this new technology could revolutionize the way content is projected onto any surface. As I said, the projector has infrared detectors which detects movement and touch controls. This makes for a robust and perfected solution for touch surface projection.
Whether we’ll see this in the near future depends on the demand it seems. The technology is there and with demand constantly increasing, I think we could expect these kind of touch surfaces to be available in restaurants as well as information desks. There’s no doubt this groundbreaking device is going to change touch surfaces forever. But just how much we’ll even use touch surfaces in the future is of course up to our own needs.