There are definitely people out there who would call me an Apple fanboy, but I have to disagree. I just happen to like good design, and it happened to come from Apple for a while. The new Mac Pro, for example, is not to my liking at all. There are way too few customization options, and I can’t help but smirk when I see the design of it. The old school Macintosh is still one of the classic computer designs, and maybe that is why someone made an iPad stand out of it.
Yup, you read that right! What could be better than an old retro Macintosh to serve as a sleek iPad stand? It’s not so much a stand as a customization to make the Macintosh look like it has an updated operating system. Of course it hasn’t been updated, it’s just a super cool iPad stand that has a whole history behind it.
The build in itself is quite impressive since it is almost seamlessly executed. You simply slide the iPad in from the left hand side and then proceed to watch in wonderment as it looks like the Macintosh suddenly has a whole new life. I take it that the interior of the Macintosh has been entirely gutted (which in itself should be blasphemy, right?) and a hole has been cut on the side of it. It’s really beautifully done if you ask me.
The concept comes from a Japanese site called Hirac, and we can only hope that the Macintosh was entirely broken when someone decided to kill it dead, if you know what I mean. This badboy would definitely retrofy a geek’s home and make visitors talk excessively about its coolness, and how they remember working on one of those old retro Macintosh computers. After all, most of us have at least played around with one at some point. I don’t doubt that for a second. It’s a legendary product that Apple is proud of having developed, manufactured and sold. This particular iPad stand is not an Apple product, but I am fairly sure they would like it a lot.