With the release of the TRON movie a couple of decades ago, we were introduced to a world of light. I am starting to believe that we will soon see a whole lot of light driven accessories. Why? Well, it seems every innovator is utilizing light in order to poke at our attention. A while back I wrote about a light bracelet that you could customize to alert you of incoming calls and whatnot, but now there is also a social wristband light accessory in the works that could take things one step further.
The product itself is called Wave, and it is a social wristband light accessory on which the main features are social, or so I think. Even though I am all for these kinds of innovations, this one is confusing. The wristband light can be customized to blink in various colors, but it can also be synced to other wristband lights in order to create a greater effect. The founders of the Wave explain that when synced, you have a unique way of finding each other in a crowd since you will instantly see the color of your friends’ wristbands and that way identify where they are. It’s a pretty nifty solution.
But that’s not the wristband light accessory’s entire feature park. You will also be able to customize blinking patterns and light for incoming calls, text messages and a whole lot more. This is definitely a competitor to the light bracelet, no doubt. The light bracelet is a little bit more slim, while this one looks more like a watch inspired by the TRON movies.
The guys behind the Wave are looking to fund the last stages of their startup by crowdsourcing $75,000. With 27 days to go, they are now just a tad over $7,000, which is not by any extent of the imagination a bad result. For $28.00, you will receive your own wristband light accessory when or if the Kickstarter campaign has ended successfully. An interesting feature of this wristband is that it will have an API which developers can use to develop further features through. If anything, that is intriguing.