Uniqul System Enables Store Purchases With Facial Recognition Only

I am blown away by the advancements in technology, and where they have taken us in the last couple years. Just a few years ago, we saw stuff like the touchscreen become the one focal point for a lot of smartphone manufacturers and hardware developers. Today we’re seeing a new breed of technologies emerge. One of the most impressive is the speed of the processor itself. That is what has enabled Uniqul to create what I am going to present to you today.

So what is Uniqul? I need you to sit down before you read this article because there is a very good chance you won’t believe a word of what I am about to show and tell you. Imagine a world where you no longer need to have any identification cards or passwords. Imagine a world where your face is the only authentication you need to do everything you are currently doing. That is what Uniqul is.

It’s a facial recognition system that is currently spreading its wings around the world of commerce. Uniqul enables waletless store purchases with facial recognition technology only. All you basically need to do is to bring yourself into the store and press OK in order to acknowledge your purchase. This technology already knows you as you step up to the counter to pay. Well, that is if you have an Uniqul account of course.

This could be the next big leap in commerce that we have been waiting for for so long. The whole concept of Uniqul of course sounds like something out of a science fiction movie, but if it shows to be secure, this could leapfrog us beyond the current credit cards and NFC technologies currently being developed all over the world. There’s no doubt this will need facial recognition on a number of levels in order to stay secure, but if it’s done right, this could be huge. Have a look at this demo video and imagine yourself being able to purchase stuff in any store by just walking into it. Quite intriguing wouldn’t you say?

Uniqul – Facial Recognition Commerce Technology



Via: [psfk]