By now, Pinterest should be on everyone’s mind, right? With an astounding rise from an Alexa rank of over 100,000 to 43 in a little over one year, it shouldn’t have escaped anyone that Pinterest is sending a strong message that they are to be the next big thing in social media. The social site has been compared with Facebook, and the results lately have even exceeded that of Facebook in its early beginnings. So what is it with Pinterest that makes everyone so interested in using it? Well, there are several things actually, and they are all becoming insanely addicting. All of this is due to something called a “pin.”
I think one of the most appealing things about Pinterest is that after having used Facebook and Twitter for the last 3-5 years, we all know interaction is key to success. That’s where Pinterest is different. You don’t have to be insanely active on an interaction level if you don’t want to in order to become successful on this new social service. All you need to focus on is finding pictures and videos that you can share. If people enjoy what you share, they will follow you, and from that you will expand your network.
A new infographic from designer Javier Muñiz (created for Seetio) called “Why Should We Be Interested?” should definitely shed some more light on this aspect. It is one of those data packed infographics that we all love to check out, and this one is by all means a mammoth when it comes to data. I have no doubt that Pinterest will surpass at least Google+, and maybe even Twitter eventually. Facebook, with its insane user base, will always be a hard target to beat, but you never know. In Pinterest’s favor I can only quote the saying, a picture is worth more than a thousand words. I guess only the future will tell just how successful Pinterest will really become.
Click Infographic To Enlarge
Via: [Geek’s Room]