True-View: Take 3D Pictures And Videos With Your Smartphone

There has been some pretty amazing technology invented and rolled out lately. Everything from electric cars like the Tesla’s Model X that has the same performance as a Porsche to smartphone accessories that will turn multimedia on its head. All of these things came to life through a simple idea that someone had – an idea that was so inspiring and genuine that it changed everything. One of those ideas is definitely the True-View, an innovative and exciting smartphone accessory.

When smartphone developers unveil their new phones, they usually have some kind of new camera feature, but so far they haven’t exactly taken us by surprise. I have to say though that when the iPhone 5S was unveiled, I was kind of impressed by the new flash and the way the camera was “intelligent.” Many people were speculating about whether or not one of the major smartphone developers would actually incorporate 3D into their phones. It would spawn a new series of online features if we were able to take 3D pictures and video, but so far that particular feature is a no show.

A startup company by the name The Pratley Co. recently announced that they have a pretty neat smartphone accessory called the True-View that incorporates both the retro of yesterday and innovation of the future, all in one gadget. The device is an intriguing little accessory that will enable you to do just what I explained earlier in this article – take 3D photos and videos.

The True-View is a tribute to many things, and it’s an innovative gadget that could really put 3D on the map when it comes to smartphone photography and video creation. The Pratley Co. is looking to fund their True-View 3D experience device and put it into the hands of the masses through the help of crowdfunding. They recently setup a Kickstarter page to raise £125,000, and so far, the kick hasn’t been very successful. With only 18 days to go, they have merely managed to raise a little north of £4,000.

The True-View device’s success is completely in the hands of you, the users and pledgers. If you want to become one of the lucky few who gets to enjoy this pretty intriguing device first, I suggest you hop on over to their Kickstarter page, read up on it and watch the videos describing the device in detail, and then pledge in order to receive your own when and if the campaign is successful.

True-View: 3D Experience Through Retro Design

True-View Final Device Design

True-View The Beautiful Device

True-View Progressive Design Path

True-View How It Works