Category: Business - Page 221
3 Ways Ultra-Smart Geeks Destroy Their Career Potential – And How To Fix It
Let’s start with the blatantly obviously: geeks are smart. Or make that ultra-smart. And that’s why colleagues, family members — heck, even total stra ...
7 Surprising (But Effective) Moves To Boost Your Job Search
You have already found your dream job, created a perfect resume, landed dozens of interviews but still hadn’t got an offer? Everything seems so well-o ...
Tips To Finance Your Mobile App Startup
We all live in an age where smartphones have become an integral part of our existence. We use them for a variety of things, but mainly, we use certain ...
Everything About Virtual Data Rooms & How To Use One For Your Business
Have you heard about virtual data rooms? These are a very effective tool for companies because it helps them organize their working space and makes th ...
5 Things You Should Know Before Starting A Business Through Amazon
Selling your items on Amazon is an idea that is promising, but before you jump into this giant marketplace there are few things you need to know. Comp ...
Top 9 Best HR Analytics Tools In 2018
Human resource analytics, also known as talent analytics, refer to when you apply analytic processes in the workplace to improve HR features. Why is i ...
Guide To Making A Two Sided Marketplace
Think of the many great companies that use the two-sided marketplace model. Uber is the biggest example, as their customers (the riders) help the driv ...
How To Improve The Contract Management With Your Suppliers
Every good manager knows that running an organization or company can be one of the hardest jobs around. You have to consider many things and always be ...
What Is Bitcoin And Can You Use It In Everyday Life?
With the ongoing hype around cryptocurrencies in recent years, you'll be hard-pressed to find someone who hasn't at least heard the term ‘Bitcoin' or ...
Why Ergonomic Furniture Is Vital In A Productive Office
Anyone who's ever pushed themselves to work past regular working hours in an office knows that after a while, the hard work starts to take a toll on t ...
4 Things Small Businesses Need To Know About Workers’ Comp
Workers' compensation insurance protects employees and provides financial assistance to cover the cost of injury care. Many small businesses make the ...
What Companies Like PayPal Can Teach Us About Money
Nowadays PayPal has almost become the equivalent of traditional online payments. The renowned platform was considered revolutionary when it first came ...
What Investors Need To Know About ICO Investing
Initial coin offerings, also known as ICOs, are a hot topic in the investing world. By July 2017, ICOs had raised more than a billion dollars, and the ...
5 Ways Businesses Can Prevent Workplace Injuries
Workplace injuries are often not fatal, but they're still a very real concern for employers. The Bureau of Labor Statistics notes that there were 2.9 ...
How To Spot The Best Field Sales Software
The practice of selling out in the ‘field’ has been around for many years. In fact, the reason it’s known as field selling is that years ago, salespeo ...