Once again we visit the realm of tattoos. Whenever we go there, one thing is for sure, it won’t be boring. Sure, there are of course some tattoos that are less impressive than others, and maybe a little less desirable, but overall, how can you say that something you choose to put on your body is boring, right? Furthermore, there are people who get a tattoo because it felt enormously right at that very moment; however, a couple of days, months or years later, they can’t fathom the reason why they got it in the first place. I can’t debate the reason why they got a tattoo like that either, but personally, I go for what I have in my head. I always draw my own tattoos because that way I can always be sure that I am the only one who has them.
Going to a tattoo studio to pick out your new tattoo can be quite a stressful thing. Ask anyone who’s booked an appointment and gone there only to find that the tattoo they previously chose is one of the worst ones in the catalog now filled with awesomeness beyond comparison. I think it is a mind game really. I mean, there you are getting your tattoo, and you know it’s going to be there for the rest of your life. There is no doubt you are going to start questioning your decision.
I can’t say all tattoos out there are things I would never get. Tattoo artist, illustrator and deviantART user Telegrafixs has a unique style all her own, and the stuff she boosts out of her brain is quite awesome, don’t you think? Just have a look at these tattoo illustrations and tell me which one you would totally go for. I see plenty of things I like, and with a little bit of modification, they would make perfect additions to my own. So, which one would you get if any?