An old English proverb tells us that the eyes are the windows to the soul, and after seeing this eye art, and I can believe that’s true. There is beauty all around us, and if you ever question yours, just look at your own eyes in the mirror. They are truly a phenomenal creation, and if you look carefully, there are so many details in there you can get lost in it all. We’ve featured all kinds of eye art on Bit Rebels over the years. We’ve seen everything from R2-D2 to Harry Potter movie scenes painted not only on eyelids but all around the eyes. However, out of every kind of eye art we’ve featured in the past, this has to be the most extraordinary.
This is another goodie that originated on deviantART (I love that site). These eye art designs were created by deviantARTist Svenja Schmitt (=PixieCold). She not only paints this eye art on her own face, she has posted a few tutorials on YouTube to help anyone else who wants to give it a go. I put one of those videos below.
Aside from the brilliant colors, one thing about this which makes it stand out so much is her use of props to give her eye art an extra kick. As you can see, she uses feathers, shiny jewels, tiny insects, fruit, colored contacts and even gold to complete the looks. The red and white mascara is also fabulous, and I wonder if that is paint. Her attention to detail is astounding, and you can see examples of that all over this eye art. It’s amazing that she could even put two different colors on the same eyelash and make both of them stand out boldly like this. I could go on and on complementing her artwork. I can’t stop staring at these, and I hope they inspire you as much as they have me.
Click Eye Art Images To Enlarge
Via: [My Modern Met]