18 Augmented Photographs: A World Within Our Own World

As Bit Rebels has evolved, we have featured a lot of photographers and illustrators here on the website. Every time we find something we haven’t seen before, we lovingly write about it to perhaps inspire other photographers or illustrators to play with the idea or further develop it.

More than often, the combination of photography and illustration is a fantastic marriage that makes your imagination run wild with excitement. Some series of photographs are of course more imaginative than others, and sometimes it’s a collaboration between colors and depth that makes the whole experience so inspiring.

However, when there are elements of illustrations incorporated, that’s when things start to become quite interesting. Johan Törnquist knows all about this, and he created a truly magical series of photographs which will have you dreaming away to a foreign land before you know it. There are people out there that see the world for what it is, no more and no less, and then there are people who just won’t stop seeing the world within our world, if that makes sense.

Out of some regular photographs, Johan managed to see the unseen and propelled his imagination into the real world. There is no doubt that he has an impressive imagination and skills that would make even the most popular children’s books look lame in comparison. There is a certain sense of calm all throughout these images, and while they are soothing in nature, they are intensively busy with life and movement. All I am waiting for are the animated versions of these images. That would truly be magical in every sense of the word.

Imaginative Augmented Photography Illustration Design

Imaginative Augmented Photography Illustration Design

Imaginative Augmented Photography Illustration Design

Imaginative Augmented Photography Illustration Design

Imaginative Augmented Photography Illustration Design

Imaginative Augmented Photography Illustration Design

Imaginative Augmented Photography Illustration Design

Imaginative Augmented Photography Illustration Design

Imaginative Augmented Photography Illustration Design

Imaginative Augmented Photography Illustration Design

Imaginative Augmented Photography Illustration Design

Imaginative Augmented Photography Illustration Design

Imaginative Augmented Photography Illustration Design

Imaginative Augmented Photography Illustration Design

Imaginative Augmented Photography Illustration Design

Imaginative Augmented Photography Illustration Design

Imaginative Augmented Photography Illustration Design

Imaginative Augmented Photography Illustration Design