This weekend a lot of people around the world will be coloring eggs, eating marshmallow peeps and chomping the heads off chocolate bunnies. Speaking of chocolate bunnies, do you eat yours feet, tail or ears first? Did you know that 76% of Americans say that bunnies should be eaten ears first? I found that stat on this Easter Candy Infographic. I totally eat mine ears first; it’s the only way to go really.
Every year I write an article here on Bit Rebels related to Easter. Last year I was on a marshmallow peep kick, and I wrote about those. The year before that it was all about Easter egg art. This year I’d like to switch it up a little and share with you an unusual homage to the Easter egg.
This is yet another creative collaboration between Next Movie and Old Red Jalopy. It is their festive collection of move poster Easter eggs. It’s pretty obvious what movies these are from, but I will list them for you anyway. They are The Dark Knight, Alien, Silence of the Lambs, Clockwork Orange, Predator, Reservoir Dogs, Kill Bill and There Will Be Blood. Of course, I couldn’t completely close out my Easter article this year without at least giving you one delicious nugget to savor… so check out these Easter Cupcakes Baked In Real Egg Shells. They’ve been all over Pinterest the past month, and they are really something worth seeing. Happy holiday weekend everyone!
Via: [Amusing Planet]