It makes sense that in big cities where there isn’t enough space to relax and enjoy the outdoors on the ground, the next place to go is up. You can always go higher, right?
Here in Atlanta, evidence that there is a space shortage can be seen in the parking situation. Space is so valuable that you cannot park anywhere downtown without paying a fortune, and even then, you usually have to walk several blocks to get where you are going.
Years ago I lived in a high rise downtown that had a running track on the roof for the tenants. It was great because they planted trees up there and kept it landscaped and beautiful. You would have thought you were running in the park, except it was on top of 50 floors.
New York City has even less space than we have here in Atlanta, and they are famous for their exceptional rooftops. I found these photographs today that showcase how creative people can be with the space they have. I wouldn’t mind taking a helicopter ride over NYC to check these out closer. I’m sure there are even more exceptional rooftops than what we are featuring here. If you have some photographs, I hope you will share them with us!
[via trendland]