Start Planning: The World Of Infographic Events [Infographic]

Here is something new, at least to me! I knew that infographics were kind of popular and all that, and that is only one reason why we publish them here at Bit Rebels. But that they are popular to the point that someone would actually put together a whole event in their honor had totally escaped my attention. Sure, I might not be the one who attends these events on a regular basis, but it certainly would be cool to visit one sometime to see what it is all about and how it is structured. Now I just know that you are scratching your head thinking, “What the heck is this dude talking about?” It’s simple really, so just read on, and it shall become clear to you.

There are actually entire conferences held around the world for everyone who is interested in information design. They have seemingly been going on for years, and I guess I look like an infographic noob now that I came out and said that I totally had no idea about them. But, they are out there, and this year has put together an infographic that lays out all 20 (!) conferences that are going to happen during 2012.

All in all, the infographic lays out more than 40 conferences during 2011 and 2012. That’s an insane amount of information design conferences if you ask me, and I think it’s great that these things are finally getting into a more serious arena. Now, I guess a bunch of you people are ready to start planning your journey around the world to attend these events. Go for it! Snap a few pictures, and let us know what was good and what was bad about them. We are eager to know about it from you until we actually have the opportunity to check them out ourselves. By the looks of it, they seem pretty cool since I am a huge statistics junkie, and I turn even the most ordinary data into a sheet of geeky averages, estimates and trajectories. I know, it’s a bad habit that I can’t seem to break.

Click Infographic To Enlarge
