URBN Hotel: Luxury Hotel Entirely Made Out Of Recycled Material

I have stayed at quite a few hotels in my life so far, and sometimes they blow my mind with their beauty and aesthetics, and other times they are not even inspiring enough to go back again. However, when hotels are built today, the designers are usually shooting for a more technological approach to keep up with the social environment so to speak. Sometimes it’s a good thing, but it’s always at the expense of the environment in one way or another. Of course, I am not against it, but nature came to us in balance, and it’s up to us to keep that balance unaltered.

URBN Hotel Shanghai in China has done what most hotels probably don’t think is even possible. They have taken an entirely environmental approach when planning and building their luxury hotel. They used recycled floor boards and suitcases as walls, and used old bricks for the construction. It’s all woven into a network of a wonderful and characteristic blend of perfection.

At first glance you will think this is just another ordinary hotel. Look closer and you will find more and more details that you will just be amazed about. Everything is so carefully thought through and executed that it really feels like a truly exclusive and luxurious hotel. If only all hotels would adopt this policy when they think up new hotels for new locations. The world would truly become a much more interesting place to live, and we would see a huge change in how people think. Amazing!