12 Pixar Storytelling Rules Explained With Lego

If there is one company that has mastered the art of telling compelling stories, it’s Pixar. Their films are the animated ones that seem like they are created for kids, but when you look around the theater, you’ll see all the adults glued to the screen as well. Every one of their films that I’ve seen has made me laugh and cry, and each one represents a very special moment in time. According to Wikipedia, Pixar has produced a total of 13 films including Finding Nemo, Up and Toy Story 3 which are all three among the top fifty highest-grossing films of all time.

According to Slacktory, last year former Pixar story artist Emma Coats (@lawnrocket) tweeted 22 rules of storytelling. These are things she learned from her more senior colleagues during her years of working there. If you’d like to read the entire list of 22 guidelines, you can click over to The Pixar Touch. I read the whole list this morning, and it made me think about things I never would have thought about before when writing a story. A lot of them have to do with developing the characters and giving them their own opinions and coping styles. She also suggests writing the end of a story before figuring out the middle since the ending is the toughest part.

Alex Eylar decided to illustrate 12 of Emma’s rules with Lego, which were unveiled on Slacktory yesterday. As much fun as these images are, there is a lot of wisdom here when it comes to telling a memorable story. Alex did such a creative job with taking these somewhat complex concepts and illustrating them in a way that makes them very simple to understand. I don’t know how he decided on that golden yellow color for the background of each image, but it’s perfect. I love these!











