There has always been a level of mystique surrounding the superstars of the world. Legendary people like Marilyn Monroe and Walt Disney have become synonymous with the word legend itself, and their names stay fresh even in the minds of the newer generations. Once you hit the level of success these people have reached, you become a subject of interest no matter what it is about. Maybe that’s why these 20 legendary real passports were assembled into one magnificent set.
No matter how popular or famous you get, you will always need papers to identify yourself. Even these people needed real passports to identify themselves. I am sure in some rare cases, people like Michael Jackson or Mike Tyson have been allowed to slip through the security net, but identification is of course crucial in a world like the one we live in today. Without real passports, we’re simply stranded in our own countries I guess.
Have you ever looked at your own passport, in particular the data presented there, and wondered if that is all your life is compiled into? It’s just a few metrics, your first and last name, and some stuff about your origin. It’s amazing how that small amount of information can set us apart from one another. Well, nowadays we all have a file somewhere with our fingerprints and eye scan I suppose, and it will recognize us in a crowd of about 10 billion. It’s quite amazing when you start thinking about it like that, isn’t it?
These real passports of legendary people were the only way these people could travel the world to share their personalities with everyone. Some entertained us, while others became the fathers of things that have become the backbone of our entire existence. I guess you could look at these real passports of legendary people and tell yourself that even the smallest of beings can become significant in a world where everything seems to revolve around money and greed.
You don’t have to matter in order to make it big. None of these people mattered before they became famous. If you remember that, you will always have the inspiration and energy to become or create whatever it is your heart beats for. Always make sure you have your passport with you, no matter how famous you get.
Real Passports Of Legendary People
Marilyn Monroe
John Lennon
Albert Einstein
Rene Magritte
Walt Dinsey
Janis Joplin
Audrey Hepburn
Ella Fitzgerald
James Joyce
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Johnny Cash
Katharine Hepburn
John & Jacquiline Kennedy
Muhammed Ali
Roy Orbison
Virginia Woolf
Nelson Mandela
Sammy Davis
Ernest Hemingway
David Bowie
Via: [UFunk – French]