Low-Tech Pokémon Go Lifehack To Catch Them All

It’s an epidemic! Pokémon Go players are everywhere! It has even become so bad that land and property owners are asking the government to help stop people from going on private property. It’s incredible really! The term “Catch Them All” has become synonymous with the community and it’s never ending. Pokémons are everywhere all the time! You can simply not stop playing. The anger some people feel when losing a Pokémon due to bad aiming is unheard of. However, I might just have found the remedy for your anger in the form of a low-tech Pokémon Go lifehack.

[pullquote]It’s a rather simple lifehack that will increase your chances of bagging a Pokémon by 100%.[/pullquote] Yup, that’s right! This Pokémon Go lifehack will allow you to catch Pokémons ALL the time. All you have to do is to create a low-tech gaming “device” like the one in the video below.

Perhaps I am exaggerating a bit when I call it “device” it’s rather a paper contraption. The ingenious idea comes from Brian McEvoy, who got sick of missing his Poke Ball shots. His solution to the problem was creating a tray out of paperboard packaging. The smartphone screen can still detect your finger through the paperboard. Then, with a couple of small stacks of Post-It notes, he created a channel in the middle. This allows him to slide his fingers straight up without messing up his shots. The result is a 100% accuracy and an increase in bagged Pokémons by an infinite amount!

You can create one yourself! Just have a look at the video and create a similar one. You’ll see! You will be the king of all Pokémons before soon. Oh, and if you have a Pokémon Go lifehack, please don’t hesitate to let us know in the comment section below. Or, even better, send us a tip using our tip form that you can find by clicking “more” in the menu. We are always interested in featuring cool and game-changing gaming lifehacks. Before I end this article, how many of you are playing Pokémon Go? All of you?

Low-Tech Pokémon Go Lifehack – Catch Them All!

Pokémon Go Lifehack game