10 Geeks You Should Know About [Infographic]

The geek culture is growing larger each day, and it seems being a geek is as ordinary today as it was for people to carry Walkmans back in the ’80s. More and more websites delve into the lifestyle of being a geek, and that becomes clear when you look at everything shared on the social networking platforms. There are a lot of geeks who have made the geek culture what it is today. Some of them are famous, like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and of course Mark Zuckerberg. But there are also the lesser known ones who we don’t tend to think about much, but they have contributed to the geek community with their talents and ideas which we enjoy today. There are too many of them to mention, but there are 10 geeks in particular that I am going to focus on today.

There are of course a number of geeks I could put in a “10 geeks you should know about” list, but these ones are chosen and compiled by Bachelor of Business. This is a list that focuses on various people who have had the world turn their eyes on them for a period of time. A few of them are geeks who some of you will recognize, while others are completely new to us all.

Listing the epic doings of 10 geeks is anything but easy. Believe me, we here at Bit Rebels have compiled a number of lists throughout the years, and it is definitely a time consuming and labor intensive endeavor. Just have a look at Diana’s magnificent list called “Twitter’s Top 75 Badass Women” which became almost a movement in itself. If you have ever seen the hashtag #BA75, which is still being used today, it has everything to do with this quite inspiring post.

So how do you really sum up what 10 geeks have been able to achieve? Well, through an infographic of course! This infographic called 10 Geeks You Should Know About could definitely be a reminder that anything can be achieved if you just dedicate yourself to what it is you want to do.

There are quite a few geeks on this list whose work we have all come across but probably didn’t know who the mastermind behind it was. For example, did you know it was Ben Silbermann who founded Pinterest, and that within its first 9 months it didn’t even have 10,000 users? Well, things have certainly changed for Ben since then.

Another person on this “10 geeks we should know” list is Erik Johansson, a photographer whose work most of us have probably seen but not really known whose creativity it spawned from. His inspiring work has been seen all over the Internet, and some have become legendary photographs that will make your mind numb out of pure amazement.

Have a look through these 10 geeks and see if you recognize their work. I am sure you will find more than one on this list that are famous, but with the exception that we didn’t know who they were. Let it inspire you to take on the world just like they did. Let it prove to you that nothing is impossible, and with a bit of dedication and ingenuity, you could be the next person to be presented in a “10 geeks that changed the world” list.

Bachelor Of Business’ 10 Geeks List

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