A couple of days ago I wrote about the fully functional USS Enterprise RC model that could actually fly. It was a majestic moment to see this quite iconic spaceship fly. I did not think the day would ever come when I would actually see it, but now I have and with it I have a whole lot of respect for both the model builder and also the designer of the authentic movie model. I wanted to probe further into this topic and decided to take a closer look at Star Wars spaceships.
My question for this entire article was simple, are there any Star Wars spaceships that have been turned into RC models, which can actually fly as well? As it turns out, there are a lot of fully functional Star Wars spaceship models out there, and they are nothing less than amazing.
When my previous article was published I was met with a storm of comments that collectively said that it was not a fully functional USS Enterprise as it didn’t have lasers, phasers and definitely could not come up in warp speeds. Most of the comments were nothing but diminishing but I feel I need to explain the use of the phrase “fully functional” to the ones that actually offered their constructive criticism. First off, when referring to “fully functional” I of course just meant that it could fly but also that the model builder had incorporated the necessary lighting in order to make the whole USS Enterprise both look real and be operational. That’s about it.
Now let’s move forward to what this article is really about, the amazing creativity of RC model builders and how they managed to recreate Star Wars spaceships and actually have them fly across the sky.
As I approached the subject I tried my utmost to find the best builds, and I ended up with three amazing and life-like ones that put another perspective to all those Star Wars spaceships we all drool over. Even though all of them are beyond impressive, I think my personal favorite is actually the Tie Fighter Interceptor RC build. However, the X-Wing Fighter and of course the Imperial Star Destroyer are sporting a massive amount of “kred” as well.
Neither of the Star Wars spaceship RC builds are easy concepts to pull off. They usually take years of building and testing in order to finally arrive at a stable enough model that can actually be controlled while in flight. Behold, the Star Wars world enters our own with these amazing Star Wars spaceships recreated as RC models. Watch the three videos below and when you are done, please pick up that jaw of yours from the floor will you?
3 Fully Functional Star Wars Spaceships That Can Fly
Gig540‘s Star Wars Tie Fighter Interceptor
sgtalon‘s Star Wars X-Wing Fighter
sgtalon‘s Star Wars Imperial Star Destroyer