34 Amazing Original Star Wars Storyboard Illustrations

I haven’t watched any of the original Star Wars movies for a while, and as a matter of fact, I haven’t even thought about them either. Whether that is because we are really busy here at Bit Rebels at the moment I don’t know. However, now that I’m thinking about it, I need to dust off those DVD boxes and make a movie night out of it. You might wonder what it was that triggered this thought, and that is just what this whole article is all about. And, I think you might have figured that one out already. The urge to watch the original movies seems to come to me in bursts, and it’s usually when I stumble over something really Star Wars retro that I start thinking about them.

The one thing that triggered it this time was the awesome Star Wars illustrations by Ralph Mac Querrie. Not only are they inspirational and amazing, they also take you back to the days when the whole Star Wars franchise was still new and fresh. I am quite fond of those memories, and these images certainly bring it all back. If you’re not a hardcore Star Wars fan, you might not know that Mr. Querrie was the one who drew the original storyboard for the first Star Wars movies which landed George Lucas the budget to shoot the movies. Before he had a storyboard, he was met with utter rejection.

I think I have seen some fragments of the initial pitch at some point, and I hate to tell you, but it far from awesome. We’ve all seen the black and white storyboard as well, and I think those were used as a production guide rather than inspiration. So, if you want that retro Star Wars feeling back again, just remember to have a good look at these images and you will find yourself searching for that extended DVD set in your collection in no time. All I need now are some Pringles chips and a glass of Coca Cola, and I’ll be all good to go.

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Retro Star Wars Fan Illustrations

Retro Star Wars Fan Illustrations

Retro Star Wars Fan Illustrations

Retro Star Wars Fan Illustrations

Retro Star Wars Fan Illustrations

Retro Star Wars Fan Illustrations

Retro Star Wars Fan Illustrations

Retro Star Wars Fan Illustrations

Retro Star Wars Fan Illustrations

Retro Star Wars Fan Illustrations

Retro Star Wars Fan Illustrations

Retro Star Wars Fan Illustrations

Retro Star Wars Fan Illustrations

Retro Star Wars Fan Illustrations

Retro Star Wars Fan Illustrations

Retro Star Wars Fan Illustrations

Retro Star Wars Fan Illustrations

Retro Star Wars Fan Illustrations

Retro Star Wars Fan Illustrations

Retro Star Wars Fan Illustrations

Retro Star Wars Fan Illustrations

Retro Star Wars Fan Illustrations

Retro Star Wars Fan Illustrations

Retro Star Wars Fan Illustrations

Retro Star Wars Fan Illustrations

Retro Star Wars Fan Illustrations

Retro Star Wars Fan Illustrations

Retro Star Wars Fan Illustrations

Retro Star Wars Fan Illustrations

Retro Star Wars Fan Illustrations

Retro Star Wars Fan Illustrations

Retro Star Wars Fan Illustrations

Retro Star Wars Fan Illustrations

Retro Star Wars Fan Illustrations