8 Lines That Would Have Ended Star Wars Really Fast

Not too long ago, there was (and I think they are still making them) cartoon videos on YouTube which dealt with alternate endings for popular movies. The series, created by HISEH.com, is called How “insert movie name here” Should Have Ended and shows the possibilities of making the movies really, really short. I don’t know how many times I have watched the countless cartoon videos they have made and laughed for hours afterwards. They are all pretty much spot on, and if you think about it, there is a lot that could have made these movies quite short if not ended them before they even started.

However, that is not what I am going to cover in this article. I just wanted to lay it all up for the main event so to speak. Dorkly is one of my favorite websites since they approach topics from a gamers perspective, and they always come up with the most insane things which will make you laugh your behind off. They recently came up with their own take on the HISEH idea and created 8 lines that would have ended Star Wars really fast.

I knew when I saw these that I just HAD to publish the movie lines since they are hilarious, and just like HISEH most of the time, they are spot on. I guess we have all thought about it more than once when watching a movie that if things would have been just a little bit different, there wouldn’t have been a story strong enough to even make the movie. Most of the times, at best, the movies would have been uber short. You have to admit, these are off the hook!

8 Alternate Star Wars Endings

8 Alternate Star Wars Endings

8 Alternate Star Wars Endings

8 Alternate Star Wars Endings

8 Alternate Star Wars Endings

8 Alternate Star Wars Endings

8 Alternate Star Wars Endings

8 Alternate Star Wars Endings

Via: [Dorkly]