Epic LEGO Build Recreates The Insane Battle At Helm’s Deep

There are many epic battle scenes in movie history. One of the most memorable is of course the battle at Helm’s Deep in The Lord Of The Rings. The director mastery that Peter Jackson showcases in that particular scene has gone down in history as one of the most technically challenging battle scenes of all time. It’s truly epic, and of course someone had to go and put it all together with LEGO. The insane LEGO build that was fueled by those visuals is hard to put into words, it’s simply epic!

If you think putting together a big LEGO build with a complex 1,500 LEGO blocks is impressive then this particular one should absolutely blow your mind. This is only 90% finished, but it still boasts an incredible 150,000 LEGO blocks and over 1,700 LEGO mini figurines. If that is not worthy of a viral boost, I don’t know what is. Just gazing over this one makes my head spin.

It was put together by LEGO pioneers Rich and Big J K, and it could have easily played a vital part when Peter Jackson planned the 10-minute movie sequence where hundreds of thousands of Orchs, trolls and foes were bashing their way into the stronghold. This LEGO build certainly has the same mind boggling visuals as the movie sequence. Maybe it’s the sheer number of pieces used, or maybe it’s because this LEGO build reminds us so much of the movies. I don’t know which one of them it is really, and honestly, I don’t really care. The way I see it, this LEGO build will definitely stand as a testament of pure dedication for a very long time.

I can’t wait for this to be completed, filmed, photographed and played with. I mean, imagine being a kid and getting access to this LEGO build. Now that would be a memory imprinted in one’s mind until the sun stops setting. Dedication can take you a long way, but imagination can push you beyond what you perceive as possible. This LEGO build is proof of that!

Rich & Big J K’s Battle At Helm’s Deep LEGO Build

(Click Images To Enlarge)









Via: [Bem Legaus!]