As technology and the services we use are getting ever more advanced, it could, for some people, become harder to make real friends. The social networking hubs that have become the backbone of business are also becoming the new avenue for making friends. The interesting thing is that it once again follows the format that we have seen in schools for so long. The person who is the most popular is the one who makes the most friends. I understand this statement is quite an easy algorithm, and it is quite natural that it works that way. The fact that it is once again the backbone for making friends is stunning since it seems no matter how advanced we make things, the format for making friends will always leapfrog into whatever we create.
The same thing happened back in the 1940s. When the phone first became a household item, people started to question if we would even need to get out of the house anymore (just like we did when the television and the Internet became household names). However, history has shown us that we still need that physical interaction. We want to keep all our friends and still go out for a coffee or a movie every once in a while.
If you still don’t find a way to make friends in today’s jungle of technology services then why not have a look at this insanely geeky and retro guide brought to our attention by Contact Sheet? It’s called How To Make Friends By Telephone and is a guide meant to show people how to go about making real friends even though you’re in different locations by just using technology to interact back in the 1940s. How can you not love the retro look and geekiness in these pictures and columns? It makes me question why we don’t have something like this today. I mean, there are probably millions of people out there who don’t know how to use technology to make friends today, right?
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Via: [Contact Sheet]