True Star Wars Fan Builds Epic Life-Size Millennium Falcon

It’s amazing what a dedicated fan can achieve in his or her spare time. Star Wars fans in particular have shown that their creativity has no borders. They seem to be able to come up with the most mind-boggling projects that when finished mesmerize even the most hardcore fans. We have seen countless examples of that through the years here at Bit Rebels. We have featured some projects that have gone from someone’s silly idea to a viral success on the Internet. It seems it’s never planned to go viral, it just does. Maybe that will be the case for a new project that will keep you on your toes until the day it is finally finished. It’s a project that will make every Star Wars fan cheer out of pure joy. It’s the Full Scale Millennium Falcon Project.

You might think, “Say what? Surely this can’t be true.” Well, I am happily confessing that I shit you not. And yes, it would be easier to say something along the lines of “these people are insane,” but it’s best put the way the founder of the team expressed himself:

This is a quest to build the ultimate Star Wars prop: a 1:1 scale ESB/ANH hybrid Millennium Falcon with complete, correctly scaled interior. Yes, I have completely lost my mind, just like most of my friends and family say.

This project sets out to replicate the entire Millennium Falcon with every single detail exactly replicated in full scale. That number of details is unprecedented, and this surely hasn’t been done before. The cool thing about it is that you are brought along for the ride through The Full Scale Millennium Falcon Project website. They update the site periodically, and it will have you marvel at the precision over every single detail that is carefully executed and put into place. Personally, I am super excited to see the end result of it. I am planning to return to the website many times over to see how far they have managed to progress.

You can help the project by buying one of their project shirts available on the site. It costs a lot of money to put something like this together, so I can imagine that every single cent counts. So where will this be assembled? Well, surely not in the garage where all of the different pieces are built. Nope, it will be assembled on a 400′ x 400′ space on Hans Kessel‘s property. I bet Star Wars fans will come in bus loads to check out the full scale Millennium Falcon once it is finished. It will be awesomeness assured!

The Full Scale Millennium Falcon Project

(Click To Enlarge)







Via: [Technabob]