As we approach the summer with huge steps (in fact it might already be here), it’s getting hotter and hotter outside. The ability to cool down is ever more appreciated. We’re used to drinking a lot of water or possibly beer, and every so often we even go for an ice cream just to make sure we don’t overheat in the sun’s rays. However, it can be a boring endeavor to find the perfect ice cream for the moment. I know that at least I am one of those people who stands over that cooler of ice cream at the store for a good 10 minutes sometimes just trying to find the right one. Then, of course, there is the decision period which I am not very good at either.
If there was ice cream here like what the Stoyn agency dreamed up, this process in my life could get a lot more optimized and sped up. It’s a new concept where ice cream no longer resembles what we are used to, and they are more directed to our childish side. They have come up with Darth Vader, Mickey Mouse and whole bunch of other ice cream portraits. They even have a spray can to appeal to the graffiti kids so they might take a break and go for an ice cream, or at least that’s what I think it’s all about.
I don’t know if they will ever be available in stores around the world. I guess they will have to get a boat load of approval in order to ship these to a nearby store where you are located. For now, they are just concept ice creams that are created to make you smile… and of course cool down a bit in the hot summer sun. But never say never, because bigger miracles than that have happened, and if they actually start shipping these awesome ice creams, I will definitely be one of the first ones to try them out. There’s nothing like geeking out on a Darth Vader ice cream. It’s probably the only time I will win over the dark side anyway.