Retrofied Super Mario Lego Aquarium Decorations

The ways we continuously try to make our homes reflect our style and become more personal are never ending. It’s one of the most creative endeavors we can undertake, and we can either do it in one day or keep doing it over a whole lifetime. I don’t think I need to go through the different ways we can geekify our homes since we all have our own preferences and likings.

I remember back in the day when having a fish tank at home was as fly as doing tricks on a skateboard. It is not so on the edge these days, and honestly I can’t remember the last time I saw someone who actually had an aquarium at home. It’s kind of sad really since we can get pretty creative with the interior design of it.

How about this idea that Reddit’s Jenny Leigh‘s roommate came up with? It’s one of the best retrofied aquariums I have seen in a long time. Using Lego blocks and some creativity, Jenny’s roommate put together a flippin cool Super Mario game scene. The backdrop pushes the geekiness of this “build” even higher on the geek scale. I am quite sure that the fish have no clue how fortunate they are to be swimming around in one of the most legendary worlds in gaming history.

Being a fish has never been so epic. They will be able to grab the high score with ease just hugging the flag and following it down to the ground. As you can see, it’s not only your home that might need a facelift every once in a while. It’s never been a bad thing to spoil your animals. After all, they could be swimming free in the wild, but we decided they should keep us company in our own homes, right? It’s an epic underwater Lego build to say the least!






Via: [Geekologie]