Star Wars Recycling: Ships Made From Floppy Disks

I remember back in the ’90s when my friend and I created software on the Amiga. We created everything from demos to some software for educational purposes that we thought was missing out there. It was back when all we used were those plastic 3.5 inch floppy disks to store our data. We had boxes of them, and it was considered “cool” to have multiples of those boxes sitting around. It was kind of like saying, “We know our shit, and we’ve created lots of it.” It was kind of cocky I know, but it was fun to see those public domain disks outnumber just about anything else. As we all know, those badboys are not available anymore since the CD and DVD took over quite fast when they were introduced as storage media.

Of course, we were like a lot of people who didn’t really know what to do with those things after they “expired.” A lot of people just trashed them, while some stored them away in their attic or basement in hopes that they would become retro one day. Retro they are, but not in the Nintendo NES kind of way unfortunately. Nope, they are more just cargo right now. But, there is one person out there who really knows how to recycle those things.

That someone is Instructables user Jetpack5 who totally geeks out with recycling. He actually turns these discarded disks into memorable Star Wars art pieces. He’s created everything from the Death Star to the Millennium Falcon. They are all put together with the parts of floppy disks. They make awesome spare time projects if you are bored on a rainy day, or if you simply don’t feel like working when you’re at work. We are HUGE fans of everything considered recycling, and if it is creative like this, it just has to be featured, right?






Via: [Walyou]