I think everyone at some point has come across the awesomeness of ASCII art. It first appeared on the early Commodore 64, if not even earlier. It spread like wildfire, and we have been evolving it ever since. With a computer, it’s really simple to achieve good results. If I am not mistaken, there are several “converters” out there that will let you upload a photo which it then converts into ASCII art, which looks almost identical to your image. I admit that it’s somewhat cheating to do it that way, but it is the fastest way, so people tend to resolve to that solution. The real ASCII art is of course created without any software algorithm deciding the right character for a certain part of the image.
Someone who absolutely rules at creating ASCII art is designer Keira Rathbone. These images are nothing less than amazing, and there is no mistaking what they portray. At first glance, I thought there was something fishy with the images, but there wasn’t. The fact that they are created on a typewriter does not make them any less impressive. That explains the uneven spacing between the characters and the immense detail worked into the images.
They portray famous people such as President Obama, castles and beautiful country houses. There are many other motifs that Keira has focused on also. I really want to emphasize the amazing and brilliantly layered characters that make up the truly stunning accuracies in these images. How she manages to scale shadows and incorporate details smaller than the characters themselves is proof enough that she is outlandishly talented. I have never seen anything like it, and once again, these were created using a typewriter!