World’s Biggest KitKat Bar – Only 45,888 Calories!

Being on a strict diet is sometimes the hardest thing you can do. Going grocery shopping is just hell on earth when you have to pass through those aisles with candy and sweet stuff. It’s like walking through a maze of everything you want to eat but aren’t allowed to. At least that’s how it feels. Of course, you can eat whatever you feel like eating, but I am sure it’s not going to help you lose that weight you’ve added by eating all kinds of things.

When I stumbled upon this quite extraordinary candy bar, I got totally mesmerized. Not eating candy at the moment sure doesn’t make it easier to lose weight when looking at the creation of this 1,9 kg KitKat bar containing 45,888 calories. It measures 2 feet in length and took about 6 days to make.

The list of ingredients is quite short; however, I am not sure of my KitKat bar would ever be that long when it was finished cause I would eat it all while creating it. So what does it contain? Well, how about:

  • 30 x Sainsbury’s or Lindt Luxury Belgian Milk Chocolate
  • 3 x ScotBlok Chocolate Flavour Cake Covering
  • 6 x Loacker Quadratini Chocolate Wafers
  • 1 x Wallpaper Dipping Through
  • 1 x Sticky Backed Vinyl Floor Tile

Oh, the price for this beauty is an estimated $75, so hurry your butt out there and get all the ingredients. I am sure it will be a perfect treat to have while checking out the game on TV or that series you’re always watching.